vrijdag 20 juli 2007

Back on track!


I promised that I would keep you updated about my game tonight..

After last week, I was hoping to play a little better.. since that last week I made a lot of errors. I started out slowly.. Bought in for 20€, went up to about 70€ and then I lost it all, with this hand: I'm dealt QQ, I raise before the flop, I get a few callers (wich is very normal in our game, hardly anyone folds before the flop). Flop comes J73 with 2 clubs. 2 people check, one raises, and 2 others call his raise.. I don't want the drawers to stay in, so I reraise all-in because the pot was worth it. Everyone folds except the original raiser, who has KJ. So he needs to hit a K or a J, and offcourse, on the river, he hits a K, wich gives him 2pair.

Alright, I rebuy 30€ .. I loose it all on a few small pots. I got a few nice cards, but I never hit anything on the flop.. and Seeing a flop in this game mostly costs around 6€ .. So it's expensive. I rebuy for another 50, I slowly climb my way up to +- 150€ when I get pot comitted into a pot, where I had 2pair .. But got beaten by a flush on the river ..

I only brought 250 this week, so I bought in for the maximum I had left, wich was 150€. Things totally went my way now.. I got great cards, I hit great flops, I was on FIRE! One of the memorable hands was this one: I'm dealt AA. I raise before the flop, everyone calls. Flop comes QQA .. I have the absolute nuts, unless someone holds QQ .. Wich is very unlikely. I check. Someone raises, 2 people call, another reraises, another one re-reraises, I just call, everyone calls. It seems like everyone got a piece of this flop.. Turn comes a blank. I check again, someone raises, 2 people fold, another one reraises, another one calls, I call, and the original raiser calls. River card put a flush on the table.. So the ones who were chasing their flush, hit it now.. What a dream come true for me :) I check again! Someone raises, another one reraises, 2 people call, and now I re-reraise all-in .. 3 people called, one folded .. 2 of them had a Q, the other one had the ace-high flush .. But I beat them all with my aces full. I took down a pot worth 400€.

Things didn't stop me for me.. I was making straights, flushes, sets, .. and 8 hands in a row I got these cards: AA, QQ, AK, AQ, AK, TT, AJ, 44 .. All great cards, and most of the time I hot something. My stack was build up to 900€ .. I was the massive chipleader. I was playing the field, raising pots, stealing pots, really using the chips to my advantage.

Near the end I get involved into this one.. I'm holding 57 of clubs. Flop comes 46Q (with 2 clubs). I check, someone raises, another one reraises, everyone calls.. I deffinatly call also. I have an open-end straightdraw with a flushdraw.. Massive hand. I can't fold that.. Turn comes a blank 9. The original raiser from the flop, raises all-in .. more then 200€. Everyone folds.. I'm left with the hard decision. I've got the chips, I've got an open-end straightdraw and a flushdraw .. I'm sure he has me beat now, but he is not chasing a straight or a flush, so I figure that I have him beat if I hit my hand .. I put him on AQ or something .. I doubted for a little while, but I made the call .. He had AA, so indeed .. I needed a club, a 3 or a 8.. But unfortunatly the river gives a blank, so my stack shrinks a little ..

One more hand is really worth mentioning .. Wauw, what a hand .. Some might think it's crazy play.. But I did it, and everyone at the table congratulate me at the end of the hand, saying that I earned it, that I had balls. Here is what happenend:

I get TT. I raise, 4 people call. Flop comes 367. I raise the pot. Everyone folds except one, who calls my raise.. Turn comes a K. Huge scare card for me offcourse. I bet again, 2 times the pot (60€). He calls, but I noticed a hesitation .. River comes a Q. Another scare card for me, but I figured.. damnit.. I'm already in the pot for a lot of money, he called me with hesitation.. I asked him to count his chips, and I raised him all-in. I see discust in his face.. He thinks I fucked him on the last card .. He put me on KK, so on a set of K's .. I still don't know what he has so he's got me woundering big time.. But I showed no fear.. I stared him down. He only had another 75 in front of him, with 350€ in the pot or something.. and he said: "Bah, I'm sure you got me.. let me think". He shows his cards, while he is still thinking about paying or not, trying to get a reaction out of my face.. and he shows AA.. Pocket Aces, Wauw! I know he's got me beat if he makes the call.. But still, I didn't show fear.. Finaly he layed his hand down, and I showed my TT. And he just said "Wauw, nice hand.. You earned it".

It felt good to steal a pot like that :)

Anyway, we played on .. My luck kinda changed, I didn't get any good cards, I lost some small pots .. In the end, I ended up with 655€ of chips.. I put 250 in, so that's 405€ of profit for me.

I'm happy :)

Buy-in: 250€
Cashed out: 655€

New Live Bankroll: 620€

I will keep you guys informed about upcoming games :)



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