woensdag 4 juli 2007

After the break


So I had a little break because things were not going very well financially.. today my group of people from the 0,50€/1€ homegame asked me if I could come and play, so I did..

Things started bad for me.. I was down 60€ pretty quickly. I bought in for another 65€, and then my luck finally turned.. I doubled up with this hand: I'm deald 89s, i call a small raise preflop and several others also call.. flop comes 999.. a guy bets 10€, 2 callers, I move all-in, and the original better calls me and the rest folds. He shows TT so my 4of-a-kind beats his flush. Nice one!

Things continue to go well, I won a few small pots, and then I get dealt 88. Flop comes 448. The same guy from my big pot earlier bets 20€, I call. Turn comes a J. The guy bets another 20€ and I re-raise him all-in (for another 90€) he calls me with A4 .. So his 3of-a-kind with Ace kicker gets crushed by my fullhouse. Nice one again!

Time goes quickly, I lose a few small pots, win a few small pots, I pretty much stay at the same ammount. The homegame stopped at 3AM and I had about 350€ of chips in front of me. So.. 350-125 = 225€ of profit .. I'm glad.

So.. because I had to use my 200€ live bankroll that was left, a month ago, for personal use because I was a little down, my current live bankroll stands at 225€.

Live bankroll: 225€

I'm okay now, so I'm not touching that, except for Poker! Let's see if I can build something up.. I think the next live-game will be in 2weeks. I'm currently still taking an internet-break.

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