donderdag 7 juni 2007

3$ Turbo MTT on FullTilt

Played a little 3$ MTT on FullTilt tonight.. with 420 entrants.

Played well, got lucky early on.. 4 shortstacks went all-in and I called with AQs .. and I hit QQ on the flop .. Then just before the break I get dealt KK. A Guy has been stealing the blinds 3 times in a row with a stupid all-in push with 200-400 blinds .. so Obv I called him .. he had 67s and he made a straight on the river .. So after the break I was shortstack with a 2K stack, doubled up a few times untill I had 28k stack (average stack was 23) on the second break ..

Didn't get involved in many pots then, stole some blinds or defended my blinds when I saw an opportunity .. When there were 13 people left the blinds were getting so high that I had to push all-in with QJs to get the blinds and ante's because I really needed those to get to the final table, I get called by A2 .. I get my Q on the flop, but he gets his A on the river .. So I'm out in 13th place. Almost 3 hours of playing .. and I won .. 7,70$ ! Yay !

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