vrijdag 13 juli 2007

The week after

So, here I am again..

Just got home from a very intense pokergame. I played at my regular place, where i also played last week.. tonight there were 6 players playing the game.

We all started off slowly, with the regular 0,50€/1€ blinds .. each buyed in for 50€. Things started okay.. we won a few small pots, lost a few small ones, after an hour of playing I still had +- 50€ in front of me. 2 other players went broke already, and they rebought for 100€.. I think one of them went broke another time, and bought in for another 100€ .. Anyway, I get dealth QQ, I raise before the flop, and like always I get a few callers (these guys are very hard to get them to fold, before the flop.. even with a 6BB of 8BB raise preflop, most of them still see the flop.. it's weird.) So like i said, I get a few callers.. flop comes 458 rainbow, I think i'm pretty safe, 2 people check to me and I raise the pot .. The guy behind me calls, the 2 checkers fold .. Turn comes a J .. He checks to me, I raise the pot again .. and he moves all-in (for like 10€ more then I raised) .. So that was an easy call. He shows me a 23 .. So he has a possibility for a street, he needs a 6 or an Ace .. I questioned hes play offcourse, and he said "Hey, i was already in it for more then half of my stack, so I figured I should go for all or nothing" .. So there it was, he needs an ace or a six, river comes .. he gets his 6, and my queens are crushed, and I'm left with 5€ in front of me.

So, I rebuy another 50 .. Wich makes me in for 100€ total. A bad run of cards, made me loose it pretty quickly.. I was getting a little annoyed, and got a little emotional .. I really wanted to win my money back, so I bought in for another 100€ .. I figured, if I want to recover my 100€ loss, I should buy-in for at least 100€. I got a few nice cards, and I build up my stack to 200€ .. Wich made me break-even.

Then, I got involved in a weird hand against a player who likes to mix up he's game. Last week, and earlier this evening, he showed his cards when he made some very nice bluffs.. And in this hand (I don't remember the cards exactly so I'm not gonna bother with that) I had second best pair at the river. Suddenly he raises so big at the end, that I thought I had a read on him.. He bet the same ammount, and in the same way, as last week when I saw him make a crazy bluff on a big pot.. I really didn't think he had my 2nd pair beat .. So i re-raised him all-in (he had more chips then me). He made a quick call with 2pair.. i was discusted with my play.. Why didn't I lay it down..

So i'm back to square 1.. I have no chips, and I'm down 200€. I buy-in for another 100€ .. Because there were a few hours left to come, and I was hoping that my luck would change a little and that I would play solid poker.. Things really didn't go my way.. I get dealt a few nice cards.. AKs, AQs, AA .. Each time I either don't hit on the flop, or they get cracked.. for example my AA. Someone raises before the flop, I reraise him, he calls. Flop comes J48 all clubs.. I'm discusted, none of my aces were clubs .. He bets the pot into my face. I don't know where I am at .. So to check that, I reraise him 3 times his bet. He moves all-in .. I'm even more discusted. I already contributed like 75€ in the pot, I need to pay 25€ more to see .. So yeah, I was pot committed, I made the call... And he shows his flush with a K3 of clubs.

Again, back to square one .. 0 chips, down 300€. I'm getting really stressed at this point .. I had 200€ left in my pocket (I brought 500€) .. And i said to myself .. I don't care if I go home with 200€ or 0 .. If i get a chanse to win my money back, so I bought in for another 200€ .. My last cent.

Now it's my time to shine.. I get dealt KQh .. Flop comes Q63 .. I don't really know what happened but there was a pretty decent raise, and everyone called it .. (everyone was in the pot) so there was a very nice pot developing, I think there was more then 100€ in. So i'm sitting there with top pair, second best kicker .. and everyone is in it .. I felt like it was time to make a move, so I moved all-in .. One guy called me with QJ, and another guy called me with AKs who was chasing the flush .. And BOOM! I took it all.. no flush came, and no J came.. I trippled up. I had recoverd all my losses, I was extactic..

It didn't last long. I made 2 terrible plays .. I tried to bluff at 2 pots, against the same guy .. pretty big pots .. and I missed both of them. It looked like the guy had a read on me or something, I totally sniffed out my bluffs that he called me down with a stupid pair (not even toppair).. I really was ashamed of my play, I donated like 400€ to him with those stupid bluffs, so I was back at 200€ ..

The end was near, I thought I would loose 300€ .. I was a little discusted. The last round was announced, when I get KJs .. Everyone was in the pot, with a big preflop raise.. things were going crazy. People callin raises 10x BB with 53offsuit and stuff, just to hope to win a little money.. So, the flop comes J78rainbow .. A guy raises, everyone calls .. And again, I figured .. Damn, I've got toppair, with a K kicker .. and there is a made street possibility if someone has 9T .. I wanted to chase out ot the street drawers, So.. I moved all-in for 200€ in a pot worth 150€ already.. Everyone folds, except one .. He calls me with AA .. Wauw, I didn't see that coming.. He was surprised by my play, because he thought I moved all-in because I had the street .. He was happy, and surprised, to see that I only had KJ .. Very big pot. Very big moment. I need to catch a King or a Jack. If I don't, I loose everything.. 500€. If I do catch it, and suck out, I win 500 .. So I recover all my losses and go home break-even. Turn comes a blank. I start to sweat .. I'm thinking it's over .. the dealer slowly draws the river card. Looks at it. Looks at me, smiles ..... and jams it on the table ... a King ! Yes ! I won ...

The other guy is discusted, offcourse .. I sucked out big on him .. I feel kinda sorry for him, but damn.. I'm happy. I recoverd my 500€ .. Well, actually, it was only 490€ .. So i only lost 10€ that evening, instead of 500€ .. On a suckout :)

So, all those bad beats I have taken in my life .. Live and internet .. They payed off, in the biggest pot of the evening!

- Buyed in for 500€
- Cashed out 490€
= 10€ loss

New live bankroll: 215€

Next week .. same place, same game... We'll see how it goes. I will keep you informed :)


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