woensdag 20 augustus 2008

I'm back..

I took a break in Poker for about a year or so.. since I had some other interests and had a few bad beats in my last games (that I forgot to blog.. sigh :)) 

But now I'm back.. more than ever.. Playing live-games every week now. I will start to blog all my games from now on.. and I will quickly inform you about the games that I had last week..

Monday morning after work me and 3 collegues played a little cash game.. I wich I ended up break-even but then won 200€ on "high-card draws" with one of them :)

That's when I said.. okay.. I've got 200€ profit now, I will be using that to play poker and start up a bankroll.. 

Tuesday is never a working day for me, so that will be the day that I hit the Casino in Breda where they have 3 NL poker tables with 2/2 blinds.. So I sat down with 200€.. went up and down, played some nice hands, etc.. eventually I ended up with 600€ of profit.. wich upped my bankroll to 800€.

Few days later I went back to the tables.. but I was on the waiting list to get a seat so I tried my luck with the Caribbean stud poker.. lost 200€ there.. damnit.. then finally sat down at the table, and ended up winning 100€ there after a lots of ups and downs.. wich gives me a total of 100€ loss.. wich downed my bankroll to 700€

Then.. tonight.. The people where I used to play my home games called me up and told me that they were planning a game.. so offcourse I went down.. Sat down with 25€.. won some pots, but then lost it all.. rebought for 25€.. lost it all.. rebought for 50€ (100€ total) and finally started to play some solid poker.. won some nice pots, sucked out a 2 times on a big pot.. god I love it.. I'm dealt QJo .. someone raises, it's folded to me.. I call.. flop comes QJT.. scary board but I hit 2 pair.. I raise, he reraises.. I have to call.. although I was fearing AK.. turn comes a blank.. I check, he raises me all-in.. But he only had like 25€ left in a pot of 130 or so.. So i had to call.. he shows me AK.. but the river comes another Q and I make my fullhouse :)

After that I'm dealt AK.. I raise, one caller.. flop comes 47J.. I raise, he re-raises me all-in .. but the re-raise all-in was only 10€ more in a pot of 90€ so.. offcourse I had to call.. turn comes a T.. river comes a Q.. I make my straight, lol :-) 

So there we are.. I bought in for 100€.. Buid up my stack to 400€.. the end is near, when the following hand happened..

I've got T5s.. Someone makes a small raise, everybody calls, so yeah.. I call to since it was one of the last hands.. flop comes T5Q.. original raiser raises 50€ wich makes the pot 100€.. everyone folds.. I put him on AQ so I re-raise him to 150€.. he calls.. turn comes a 2 but opens possibility for a flush.. he checks.. I bet 100€.. he moves all-in for 160€.. offcourse I call the remaining 60€.. he shows Q9.. even worse then I thought, so I have the best hand.. but then the dealer shows me a 9 on the river, wich gave him a higher 2-pair.. and shrinked my stack to 50€.. so I ended up losing 50€ that night.. instead of winning 300€.. BAH ! So.. my live bankroll is down to 650€

But.. I have to say.. My play really got better.. I'm currently reading "theory & practice" by David Sklansky .. and reading the twoplustwo forums.. and watching lots of poker episodes on pokertube.. and i'm also thinking about subscribing to deucescracked of cardrunners community to improve my game some more.. Also, something very important.. I feel alot more comfortable at the table and the stakes I play because I'm making much more money now with my Job that I did last year.. so I can take a few bad beats.. and I'm not scared to get my money in the pot..

Next up:

Tommorow we are going back to Holland Casino in Breda for a night of 2/2 NL..
Next week I am playing the Summer Classics 2008 in Holland Casino in Utrecht.. it's a tournament with 100€ buy-in.. single rebuy & addon.. and 180 entrants.. 13 first places are in the money..

Live bankroll : 650€ (still have to pay the buyin for the tournament)

Next update is coming tommorow.. :)

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