donderdag 21 augustus 2008

Tried the internet again..

So I was bored and I still had a few hours to kill before tonight's live game.. So I thought I might try the internet tables since I found out that I still had a 65$ bankroll on FullTilt..

Since I find cashgames on the internet extremely boring, I chose to play some SnG's..

First one was a 11$ buy-in turbo FR SnG.. in one of my first hands I got knocked down to the shortstacked because I couldn't laydown my Top pair with medium kicker.. But I got myself back up again and I ended up winning the SnG.. winning 49$ and upping my bankroll to 100$..

I saw a system-message that the 7K guarantee was about to start.. and there were "only" 350 entrants.. with a 25$ buy-in.. first price was 2,5k .. So I took a shot.. My tournament got ended early because of the following hand: I have KTs .. i'm on the button.. everyone folds to me.. I raise to 3BB.. the 2 blinds call. Flop comes T42 rainbow.. someone raises, one calls, I re-raise.. the original raiser calls me, other one folds.. river is a 7.. I make a big bet because that openend a flush-draw .. he re-raises me all-in for like 300 more chips so I had to call and he shows me AT.. I know I should have layed it down but damnit.. :)

Now i'm participating in the Double Shootout sattelite to the 750K guarantee tournament.. It was only 3$ buyin and only 39 entrants so.. That's a nice opportunity to get into the 250$ buy-in tournament with a 750k guarantee :)

** update : I ended in third place on my table.. we were the last remaining table, blinds were getting very high and we ended up pushing it all-in .. all three of us .. I had A8s, the 2 others had QTs and K9o .. so I liked my chances.. but there came a K on the flop.. So he won it all and placed for the final table..

So.. my internet bankroll is back to 65$ .. Next up will be the live game :)

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