maandag 1 september 2008

Summer Classics 2008

Alright.. I'm back with the report from last weeks games.. the Summer Classics 2008 @ Holland Casino Utrecht..

It was a real nice experience to play in a big tournament.. I met with some collegues from work to travel to Utrecht together.. we got there at 1PM.. subscribed for the tourney and sat down at the tables..

The first tournament was a 100€ single rebuy/addon LIMIT hold'em event. Yes... LIMIT. That's something none of us knew.. and it was a big surprise.. especially since we have never ever played limit hold'em before.. it was weird to adapt to the game.. I wasn't aware of any of the limit strategies.. so I just tried to play a tight game.. Going to the flop with premium hands and also suited connectors.. try to hit the flop, if not.. get out of the pot.. There were 200 participants in this tourney.. and I had a really boring run of cards.. I ended up folding almost all my hands, playing very few.. I never had any ups or downs.. I made it to the last 50 players.. only the first 14 would end up in the money.. the blinds were getting high and I was short-stacked, when finally I get an "okay" hand to raise and go all-in on the flop.. I got JJ.. I raise.. everyone folds because I have been playing pretty tight.. I got one call.. But because of my raise, i'm left with almost NO chips.. not even enough to pay the big blind.. So I said to myself, whatever comes on the flop.. i'm going all-in.. Flop was bad for me.. it was Q73.. I go all-in, offcourse the other person calls.. and shows KQ.. turn & river didn't save me, and I was eliminated in 49th place.. I'm happy with this tourney because I feel that I didn't make any mistakes.. I just had an extremely bad & boring run of cards.. So I was unable to build a nice stack.. and because of that, I had to play tight.. Altough it was limit.. I think I did a pretty good job to end in 49th place for my first tourney ever! 

Total cost of this tourney : 300€ (plus 200€ of losses on the caribbean poker because my collegues didn't want to leave the casino immediatly :( .. )

The day after we went back for another tourney in the Summer Classics 2008.. the 200€ unlimited rebuy/addon event.. I was seated on an extremely loose table, in the rebuy period.. so loose that it really discuted me, and has made me HATE unlimited rebuy tournaments.. from the very first hand people started going all-in with junk hands.. especially one guy who went all-in with almost every hand he got.. Finally I'm dealt AA after a few hands.. Like always, one guy raises, the loose guy goes all-in.. offcourse I call.. the raiser calls also.. Me and the raiser have about 500 chips left (from the starting 1500) Flop comes KQJ.. very bad flop for 2 Aces.. the raiser goes all-in.. I have to call offcourse.. He shows me KT.. no flush draw, but toppair and a straight draw.. the loose guy who went all-in showed 67s .. so he was almost drawing dead.. Turn is blank and offcourse the river is a 9 so the guy makes his straight.. and tripples up. I lost my stack twice again with all-in raises.. but I don't remember the hands.. then in the last hand I get JJ.. 2 loose guys go all-in, I call.. and I win the race.. trippeld up.. and I took the addon also. So i've got about 6500 chips after the break, an okay position.. first hand after the break I get TT.. Everyone folds, I raise pretty big.. 2 callers.. flop comes 963 rainbow.. I tought a good flop for TT.. one guy checks, the other one raises .. I'm thinking he's trying to steal the pot or holds A9 .. So i have to reraise him to see where i'm at.. the other guy folds, and the raiser re-re-raises me all-in ... at this point i'm pretty much discusted offcourse.. I already donated half my stack into the pot, wich is now getting really big.. I asked the dealer to count his all-in and there was a misunderstanding with me and the dealer.. he told me 1800 and I tought that that was the total ammount, so I said call.. but the dealer meant 1800 on top of my raise.. so it actually put me all-in.. instead of an extra 1800.. and since I already announced "call" I had to call.. I was discusted because there is a big diffirence between being all-in and still having 2000 chips in front of you.. I was pretty sure he had a set or something, but I said call because I thought I would still have about 2000 chips in front of me wich is still enough to play a little.. but now I was almost all-in (only 300 chips left) .. and yep, offcourse.. he showed me a set of 6's .. and there was no savior on the turn or river.. So i'm left with 300 chips, just after the break.. and I felt really bad and mad at the dealer also because he confused me.. so yeah, this was bad play.. I had the feeling i was against a set but I just couldn't lay it down because the pot was getting so big and I already donated more then half my stack to it.. and I had the overpair so yeah.. pff.. eventually I got blinded out, finished in 99th place (with 140 participants)..

Total cost of this tourney : 1000€ .....

Total cost of the summer classics : 1500€ .. this is a little to much for me.. I didn't know that the rebuy tourney was gonna cost me 1000€ .. these losses cracked my bankroll.. wich is now BELOW 0 .. so I'm going to have to reload offcourse.. wich I will.. just not sure of how much yet.

I also made a few rules for myself:

- Only play 2/2 cash games
- Only play single rebuy or freezeout tourneys
- And... try to win :p

Fun experience.. but costly.. and a little dissapointing offcourse.. but I will be back.. I will play the freezeout tourney in Valkenburg and also the single rebuy & freezeout tourney in Breda.. these tourneys are in october..

Next up:

2/2 NL Cash game @ Holland Casino Breda on Wednesday..

Stay tuned :o

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