donderdag 7 juni 2007

3$ Turbo MTT on FullTilt

Played a little 3$ MTT on FullTilt tonight.. with 420 entrants.

Played well, got lucky early on.. 4 shortstacks went all-in and I called with AQs .. and I hit QQ on the flop .. Then just before the break I get dealt KK. A Guy has been stealing the blinds 3 times in a row with a stupid all-in push with 200-400 blinds .. so Obv I called him .. he had 67s and he made a straight on the river .. So after the break I was shortstack with a 2K stack, doubled up a few times untill I had 28k stack (average stack was 23) on the second break ..

Didn't get involved in many pots then, stole some blinds or defended my blinds when I saw an opportunity .. When there were 13 people left the blinds were getting so high that I had to push all-in with QJs to get the blinds and ante's because I really needed those to get to the final table, I get called by A2 .. I get my Q on the flop, but he gets his A on the river .. So I'm out in 13th place. Almost 3 hours of playing .. and I won .. 7,70$ ! Yay !

woensdag 6 juni 2007

Few SNG's on Fulltilt

I played a few SNG's on FullTilt tonight:

SnG: 5$+1$ (9 players)
Number of SnG's played: 6
1st: 1
2nd: 2
3rd: 1

Profit: 19,5$

Yay... :s

Live game @ HollandCasino Breda


So I went to HollandCasino in Breda, to take a shot at the 2€/2€ no-limit HE table. I buyed in for the maximum (200€). Sat down at 19h. Everything went really well, i played pretty tight, picked my spots nicely, and builded up a tight image. Because I wasn't getting much hands, I used that tight image to bluff alot. For example this hand:

I'm raising from the button with A6o, I get reraised and I call .. Flop comes 759 all spades .. I saw that my opponent liked the flop, but had a discusted look on his face because they were all spades, he checks to me.. I bet half the pot, he reraises me (doubled my bet) and you might not approve this, because it's really risky play, but the way he betted, and the way he looked, made me know that he did not like those spades on the board (I didn't even have one spade, btw) .. So I re-raised him all-in, he had a discusted look on his face and he folded 55 .. Set of 5's.

So, after some good cards and some nice bluffs, I build up my stack to 500€ .. It balanced a little bit between 350€ and 450€ afterwards.. Then after 6 hours of good poker, I get into this hand:

I'm dealt AKs (spades). 4 limpers, and 1 raises to 12€ .. It's folded around to me, and I re-raise to 24€ .. everyone folds except the original raiser, who calls my raise. Flop comes A46 rainbow (spade, heart, club). He bets 20€, I raise to 40€, he re-raises all-in. I've been playing with that player for 6 hours, and I absolutely know for sure that he does not raise his Pocket Pairs, so i'm sure he does not have a set .. I also don't think he would raise, and call my re-raise with A4 or A6 .. And since there was no flushdraw on the board, and only a very weird straightdraw, I called him.. And I made a good call. He showed AJs (hearts). But then this happenend: on the turn comes another heart, and on the river comes another heart.. so he makes his runner runner flush and wins a pot, worth more then 800€ .. I was discusted, frustrated .. 6 hours of great poker went to waste, and I lost another hump of my bankroll..

So, here we are:

Current bankroll:

Internet : +- 200$
Live: 200€

Now i'm going to work 4 days, to gather up some cash.. It's good that my job pays me at the end of every working night.. I'm planning on adding another 200€ to my live bankroll, and keep the rest for other stuff.

dinsdag 5 juni 2007

My games

The games I'm currently playing at are:


2€/2€ NLHE @ HollandCasino - Breda
0,50€/1€ NLHE Homegames


5$+1$ SnG's @ PokerStars & Fulltilt
3$ & 5$ MTT's @ PokerStars & Fulltilt
10 & 25NL @ PokerStars & Fulltilt

I have made this Blog to keep track on my winnings/losses and to make challenges for my own, to motivate me to keep playing on the internet.

My current internet bankroll is around 200$
My current live bankroll is at 400€

Next up:
Live game at HollandCasino - Breda tommorow

I will post a report about it when I get home..